Athlete Testimonials

Martin has an uncommon ability in the world of coaching: he knows how to listen. It's a rare gift because it's often about coaches who are more attentive to applying theories and previous experiences with a simple" copy & paste" method – instead he examines and considers every aspect of the athlete, including psychological characteristics. My UTMB finishers vest is largely due to his advice and help.
Stefano - Emilia-Romagna
UTMB Finisher 2015
Since 2012, the year I first put on a pair of running shoes, I have had to deal with forced stops that were leading me to the definitive abandonment of racing.
Martin, put me back in the condition of being able to run.
Since then, I have taken part in numerous road and trail races, lowering my times on both road and on the trail. In addition I managed (incredible but true) to run several Utra Trail races, up to 90km. In short, a dream, that goes far beyond my wildest expectations.
Martin has played a key role; He slows me down me when, on the wings of enthusiasm, I try to go beyond my abilities, he has encoraged me when morale is not at its peak and has even given me an earful when necessary.
I have never been in favor of following rigid tables, but I understand that a minimum of planning is needed. Training by feel and intuition, without the necessary experience leads to the risk of exaggerating and making large mistakes which will come back and hurt you.
There is no need to be a top runner to be supported by a competent person who, with an outside eye keeps you on track when needed.
Simone - Liguria
12th place - Morenic Trail (119km) 2018
6th place - Morenic Trail (119km) 2019

The best experience I have had so far: attentive, precise, rapid and above all prepared to discuss and share training methods and objectives: the amateur athlete seen at 360 ° and therefore first and foremost as a person and then as an athlete I would definitely recommend!
Amos - Veneto
This year I wanted to try the experience of being followed by a coach and, after a period of exchange of ideas, Martin and I undertook this collaboration. Martin is a very skilled person in various fields (sports, psychological, etc.) and this allowed him to find the right recipe so that I could achieve my seasonal goal: Stonebrixiaman !! I don't know how, but he planned my preparation so as to make it effective, he optimized the time available to me, improved my weaknesses and developed my strengths. And all this while making sure I had fun. He has always been available and, with the right correspondence, he has given the correct importance to the various prescribed jobs, spurring me on to do well and sometimes comforting. Nice experience, I enjoyed living this adventure and I hope it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship !!
Mauro - Brescia
Finisher - Stonebrixiaman (39th) 2019

After a year of training I can say that I was lucky to have turned to Martin as I found a full realization of all the reasons that led me to look for a coach. From a technical point of view: I have had significant improvements, the loads have always been perfectly adequate to the time available and to my lifestyle and I have never had injuries (except for an unfortunate accident not attributable to the level of physical stress) . From a human point of view: an availability of constant comparison and dialogue, a listening ability that has translated into a personalization of the program that has made training a pleasant and now indispensable routine in my life as an amateur athlete. Thanks Coach!
Damiano - Trento
3rd in Age Category - European Spartan Mountain Series 2019
50-year-old separated father, a job that takes up a lot of time and energy, little time to devote to training and above all a daily life full of unexpected events (sudden commitments, minor physical ailments etc.). Enough elements to make the idea of ​​preparing Trail and Ultra Trail races difficult if not impossible. But not for Martin. With him everything appears simple, easy, natural. His great availability, his practical sense together with an enormous knowledge of training systems and theories led me to achieve my goals and above all to go for an entire year without injuries. I recommend Martin to everyone, elite or novice that they may be.
Alessandro - Milano
2nd in Age Category - Nebrodi Trail Race 2019

My reason for ​​choosing a coach was I believe different from that of most people who turn to a professional: I was not a navigated trailer looking for help to improve times or increase distances, but instead I wanted to achieve physical well-being, having fun in the mountains and giving regularity to my workouts after years of sport practiced with little constancy. I also wanted to avoid injuries first and train by being aware and certain that each single day of training would be effective for my purposes. In addition to running, I wished to continue other sports practiced and loved by me: swimming, cross-country skiing and ski touring, in addition to long summer excursions in the mountains. I decided to contact Martin both for the latter reason, and for having read some of his interventions on a forum, that were in line with my way of thinking. To date, I am increasingly convinced that it was an excellent choice: in this first year of collaboration I have improved as a sportsman not only physically but also psychologically, with a preparation that even in the toughest periods has never been monotonous or boring, and which also allowed me to fulfil my objective / dream race in a better physical shape then I could have imagined, and going into it with unexpected serenity and awareness.
Francesco - Varese
Finisher - Campo dei Fiori Trail Race 45km, 2019