TDS (Sur les traces des Ducs de Savoies) Part 3
Walking back out into the night felt cold even though we were at no more than 700m. Walking through this village that now seemed deserted...
TDS (Sur les traces des Ducs de Savoies) Part 3
TDS (Sur les traces des Ducs de Savoies) Part 2
TDS (Sur les traces des Ducs de Savoies) Part 1
Il Sonno e l'atleta
Sleep and the Athlete
Interval Training for Trail & Mountain Running: Basic Physiology
How should we be training?
Defeating the Chimp Brain with Mantras
Defeating Negative Thought Patterns - RISE
Swimrun (Gaetano's Race) (English)
Swimrun (La gara di Gaetano) (Italiano)
Downhill Running (Part 2)
Downhill Running (Part 1)
Stonebrixiaman ("You want to do what?")
Stonebrixiaman ("Cosa vuoi fare?")
Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps (EAMC)
LUT - la prima ultra oltre 100km (e una valle di cacca)
Strength Training for Trail Runners
Pre - Race Tapering